Monday, January 23, 2012

han hao!!

The flights are booked! An exciting part of an international flight is finding out where any layovers are going to occur. I'm super excited about ours to Taiwan...wanna know why?


I've been told that Taiwan is like China, only better. So for me, this is the next best thing to actually stepping into good ol' Zhong Guo. Not like we'll get to leave the airport, but I'm still loving the idea. It will be quite the de ja vu experience on a 13 hour flight to Asia..we'll have to come back to China and Taiwan for real sometime!

P.S. han hao = very good = Chinese characters that I can't seem to paste here . Just so you know! I don't know a word of Thai so we'll see how that goes!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Not Your Typical January Temps

Weather in Provo, weather in Thailand...

That's 73 degrees at night!! Can we go yet??

Monday, January 9, 2012

Blog Started!

We want to keep a blog while we are living in Thailand with HELP International! We've been planning like crazy, and we're getting more and more excited for the experience.

Our blog address comes from this graphic from Apple's website. We had just decided we would go on this adventure and had scoped out a couple great places for Thai food. The timing could not have been better for this:

So that's our goal: fight poverty and empower people with HELP International, and just maybe find the best place for Thai :)